Assoc. Prof. Joseph Antony
University of Leeds, UK
Dr Antony is an Associate Professor at the School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds. His primary research interest is in the area of Particulate Mechanics and Physics, especially on the bulk behaviour of powders and grain under industrial process conditions as a function of particle-scale properties. He performs a number of inter-disciplinary research projects including in the area of biomechanics, using a wide range of computational tools such as DEM, FEM, theoretical and experimental procedures in his research. He has obtained the prestigious MIT Young Researcher Fellowship Award for Exemplary Research in Computational Mechanics and has made several publications in reputed international journals and conference proceedings. He serves as a member of editorial boards for many international journals in his filed including Journal of Nanotechnology and Research Letters in Nano Technology, and also serves as a regular referee for several international journals, including Physical Review Letters and Physical Review E. He has served as a guest editor for the Jl. Granular Matter and the lead editor of the book ‘Granular Materials: Fundamentals and Applications’, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London in 2004. He is a member of many professional bodies worldwide. His research sponsors include EPSRC, Royal Society, DTI, ICI, BNFL, P&G, Pfizer, Borax Hosakawa Micron, Bridon International Ltd, Merck Sharp & Dohme, DuPont and Kayser-Threde. His biography is included in the Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World and the Directory of International Biography Centre, Cambridge.
Prof. Michele Barbato
University of California, Davis, United States
Speech Title: Recent advances in earthen construction to enable resilient, affordable, and sustainable buildings
Michele Barbato is a professor of structural engineering and structural mechanics in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis. He is also co-director and co-founder of the UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center. He received his summa cum laude “laurea” degree in civil engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy) in 2002, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in structural engineering in 2005 and 2007, respectively, at the University of California, San Diego. He is a licensed professional engineer, or PE, in Louisiana and Italy.
Barbato is an expert in both traditional and innovative construction methodologies and materials, with particular emphasis on new recycled and green materials. His research includes modeling, analysis and design of structural and infrastructure systems subject to earthquake, wind, storm surge and wildfire hazards. He is active in the development of performance-based methodologies in earthquake, wind and hurricane engineering, as well as in multihazard applications. Barbato’s research also embraces nonlinear finite element modeling and analysis of structural systems, random vibration theory, structural reliability analysis, multihazard assessment and mitigation under current and changing climate conditions, and life cycle cost optimization of resilient and sustainable structures subject to multiple hazards. His research aims to develop safer, economic and more rational design procedures, accounting for natural and human-made hazards, which support the development of sustainable infrastructures and more resilient communities under current and changing climate conditions.
Barbato is the author of more than 200 technical publications and the co-inventor of a fluorogypsum-based green concrete. He received the 2007 ICASP10 Overseas Student Scholarship, the 2009 ASCE Moisseiff Award, the 2011 European Association of Structural Dynamics Junior Research Prize, the ISSE-12 Best Paper Award for Young Experts, the 2020 ASCE Sacramento Section Fredrick Panhost Structural Engineer Award and the 2020 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, as well as several teaching and service awards. He was elected a fellow of the Structural Engineering Institute and the Engineering Mechanics Institute in 2019, and a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2021.
Prof. Jian-Guo Dai
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Prof. Dai is currently a full Professor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He graduated with his PhD degree from Hokkaido University, Japan. His research theme is "Emerging materials and structural systems for sustainable concrete infrastructures". He has received many academic awards for his research work, including the Best Basic Research Paper Award from ASCE, Journal of Composites for Construction, Distinguished Young Scholar Award from Association of FRP for Construction, China Civil Engineering Society, "Structural Excellence Award--Grand Award R&D Award” from Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and “Outstanding International Collaboration Award” from Japan Society of Civil Engineers. He is a contributor of more than 300 technical papers (including some 170 SCI journal papers), with more than 5400 citations and h-index = 42 at Web of Science. Prof Dai is the Committee Manager of ISO/TC71 SC6 "Non-traditional Reinforcing Materials for Concrete Structures" and Vice President of International Institution of FRP for Construction (IIFC). He is a Fellow of IIFC, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and Hong Kong Concrete Institute (HKCI). He is an Associate Editor of "Advanced Concrete Technology" and “Frontiers in Materials” and Vice Editor-in-Chief of "Journal of Asian Concrete Federation" and has served other journals (e.g., Advances in Structural Engineering, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Materials) as an Editor or Guest Editor, and more than 80 international journals as a referee. He was listed as World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford in “Civil Engineering” and “Materials Science” in 2021 and 2022.
Prof. Kaoshan Dai
Sichuan University, China
Dr. Kaoshan Dai obtained his Ph.D. from University of North Carolina, Charlotte, US in 2009. He worked at the Department of Civil and Environmental at the same school after graduation. He also has short time working experiences in a risk management company ImageCat Inc. in California. Dr. Dai joined Tongji University, Shanghai, China in 2011 as an Associate Professor. He worked in the College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University and the State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering at Shanghai for seven years before he joined Sichuan University in 2018. He is now Professor and Chair of Department of Civil Engineering. He also puts efforts to promote earthquake research at Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction. His research interests include critical infrastructure resilience, application of sensing techniques for civil structure inspection/monitoring, structural dynamics and vibration control, built environment sustainability & post-disaster evaluation.
Prof. Song Feng
Fuzhou University, China
Speech Title: Working Principle of Ecological Earthen Covers and Its Application in the closure of landfill sites
Prof. Feng is a full professor at College of Civil Engineering at Fuzhou University, China. He received a doctoral degree from the Hong Kong University of Science of Technology (HKUST) in 2016 (Supervisor: Prof. Charles. W. W. Ng, Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering), and an Mphil degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012 (Supervisors: Prof. Ying Ren ZHENG and Prof. Xia Ting FENG, both are Fellows of Chinese Academy of Engineering), a bachelor degree from Sichuan University in China in 2009. He continued his postdoctoral research at HKUST for one year before joining Fuzhou university as a lecturer in 2018. His researches mainly focus on geo-environment (e.g., sustainable bio-cover system and green slope engineering) and geo-energy (e.g., energy pile). He was selected as the high-level oversea talent of Fujian Province in 2020 in China. He won multiple professional awards, such as China Award for Science and Technology in Construction (the 2nd Prize; Ministry-level Award). He serviced multiple professional affiliations, such as the committee member of Geo-environmental Engineering of China Technical Association on Geosynthetics. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed SCI-indexed papers in internationally reputable journals in geotechnical and geoenvironmental fields, including Géotechnique, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Canadian Geotechnical Journal. He holds more than 10 national invention patents and software copyrights. His research outcomes have been successfully applied to multiple important solid waste landfills in China for ecological restoration and pollution control. Accordingly, the ecological earthen covers developed by Prof. Feng and his collaborators have been recommended for use in a national design code of landfill in China.
Prof. Baoguo Han
Dalian University of Technology, China
Baoguo Han, Professor of Civil Engineering at Dalian University of Technology since 2012, holds a BS and MS in Material Science and Engineering (Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 1999, 2001) and a PhD in Engineering Mechanics (Harbin Institute of Technology 2005). He was invited to the University of Minnesota and has worked as a visiting research scholar there for three years. His main research interests include cement and concrete materials, nano-engineered cementitious composites, smart materials and structures, multifunctional concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, and ultra-high performance concrete. He has published five authored books and one book video, three edited books, 17 book chapters, and more than 200 technical papers. The citations and h-index/i10-index in Google are 10734 and 54/156, respectively. The research outcomes have been reported as research highlights more than 20 times. He has held more than 20 authorized national invention patents and was awarded the first prize of Natural Science by the Ministry of Education of China. Professor Han is a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials, and has served as a member in more than 30 scientific professional societies (including an academic organization, as journal chief editor and editorial board member, and on a review panel for scientific research projects and awards) and as a reviewer for more than 150 books and journals. He has been awarded Top Peer Reviewer in the Global Peer Review Awards powered by Publons in both Materials Science and Cross-Field, listed in Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier, and named in the world’s top 2% scientists by Stanford University.
Prof. TianQiao Liu
Beijing University of Technology, China
Dr. Liu received his bachelor's degree from Chang 'an University in 2012. In 2013, he received his master's degree in Civil Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. in Civil engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2017; After graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Pittsburgh until December 2017. In 2018, he joined JMT Engineering Consulting Company in the United States and engaged in bridge design; In 2019, he entered the Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University and began his postdoctoral research work.
Dr. Liu’s research has been focusing on the pultruded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites and their new structures, aiming to promote the theoretical and practical developments of FRPs in the field of civil engineering. His research interests include the analysis and design methods, long-term environmental durability, and advanced manufacturing techniques. He has authored/co-authored over 20 SCI journal papers and received over 480 citations with H-index of 12 (Google Metrics). One of his papers has been recognized as the Top 1% ESI Highly Cited Paper in 2021. Additionally, Dr. Liu has co-edited the first Chinese design standard for pultruded FRP composites—Technical Specification for Structure of Pultruded Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, CECS-692 2020. In 2022, Dr. Liu was selected into Beijing Youth Talent Program.
Assoc. Prof. Mijia Yang
North Dakota State University, USA
Speech Title: Interpretation of impedance data in hydration of cementitious materials through the distribution of relaxation time model
Dr. Yang has practiced teaching and research broadly in structural engineering. He has taught Steel Design, Dynamic of Structures, and several others for the last 5 years. His research concentrates on impact and blast protection with advanced engineering materials, multi-scale modeling of composite and concrete materials, smart health monitoring in Civil Infrastructure, and self-healing concrete. His representative work included developing a systematic design method for impact barriers, a unified fatigue criterion for uniaxial Polyurethane E-Glass composite laminates, damage detection through guided wave, and a creep design methodology for Epoxy bonded anchor systems. Dr. Yang has participated in several state and national projects during his career, including “Effect of intermediate diaphragms on prestressed concrete bridge girders for over-height truck impacts” and “Testing of window connections specially designed for blast loading”. Dr. Yang also won several national and international awards, including the Philip E. Rollhaus, Jr. Roadway Safety Essay Contest held by Quixote in 2005, the faculty research award at the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2007, the ASCE travel award in 2005, and the ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering Outstanding Reviewer award in 2012. Dr. Yang is currently serving as the associate editor of Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, and has more than 100 publications, including journal papers, conference papers, and reports in the field of composites, structural testing and characterization.
Prof. Haijun Zhou
Shenzhen University, China
Prof. Haijun Zhou is Deputy Director of Institute of Urban Smart Transportation & Safety Maintenance, and Head of Civil Engineering Department, Shenzhen University.Michael’s research covers a board range of topics in structure engineering with focus on civil engineering structure reliability under effects of multi-hazards, passive control and health monitoring of slender structure (such as cables of cable supported bridges), and big data analysis (related to structural health monitoring and durability). He is expertise in construction materials, structural engineering and data analysis under one umbrella.
Prof. Zhou has a sustained track record of high quality research publications in construction materials and structural engineering. He has published papers in peer-reviewed main stream civil and structural engineering journals, such as Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Engineering Structures, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Construction and Building Materials, etc.
Prof. Zhou has gained the National Scientific & Technology Progress Prize, one of the most prestige prizes of China in the field of science and technology. He has been Principal Investigator of five research projects funded by National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and five research projects funded by Science and Technology Institute of Shenzhen Municipal Government. He also has conducted peer review for grant proposals submitted to National Science Foundation of China, Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Science and Technology Institute of Shenzhen Municipal Government, respectively. He has been invited by more than 20 international academic journals to review manuscripts.